Sunshine Coast Senior Leadership Awards

Sunshine Coast Senior Leadership Awards


The Annual Sunshine Coast Senior Leadership Awards, hosted with pride by IAgeWell, serves as a platform to honor and celebrate the exceptional senior leaders within our community. These awards are a testament to the outstanding contributions made by seniors on the Sunshine Coast, acknowledging their unwavering commitment to enhancing the well-being of our community through the promotion of social, economic, and environmental prosperity. Moreover, they are strategically designed to inspire innovation and foster community resilience.

Nominations for the Senior Leadership Awards will officially open on the 1st of January, with the grand Awards ceremony scheduled for the month of October.




Congratulations to our 2022 Senior Leadership award winners!

IAgeWell is delighted to recognise some worthy winners in our 2022 Sunshine Coast Seniors awards and its fitting to recognise amazing local people during Queensland Seniors Month

Leanne Layfield, a lady who has dedicated her time and energy into supporting local business on the Sunshine Coast. Leanne brings a wealth of knowledge and a lifetime of experience to support and encourage the spirit of entrepreneurism on the Sunshine Coast. Award sponsored and presented by Sundale.

Les Kirkbride over the last 15yrs has used the power of art to instill change in people struggling with mental illness, depression, anxiety, physical and intellectual disability, domestic violence, the effects alcohol and drug abuse and social isolation. Their vision and passion have graced the lives of many. Award sponsored and presented by Live up.

Graham and Sue Ladd are formidable and loved members of St Vincent De Paul. Despite battling Parkinson’s Disease Graham, with the support of his wife Sue, run stalls to raise funds for those in need. They are a steadfast presence in the lives of many who are lonely, sick and isolated. From a young age Graham was taught by his Irish grandmother to see people with compassionate and understanding eyes and to be a beacon of light and support to those facing difficult times. Award sponsored and presented by LEEF

Carer Assist Program founded by Cara Roberts encourages seniors on the Sunshine Coast to help one another in times of need. Cara and founding member Margaret Thompson understand firsthand what it is like to be carers. They have experienced the impact of limited care support and have created a new platform for carers and those in their retirement years to connect and support each other. Cara recognizes that we as a community need to be the collective answer to the change we want to see. Award sponsored and presented by Sage Care Advise. 

John Clemones has spent over 40 years volunteering his time and skills to needy causes. He recently received a state-wide award through the Queensland Volunteering Awards. The commendation read: John Clemones is known for his giving nature and care for others, always willing to lend personal support to those who are going through a difficult time….. John always goes the extra mile, putting his hand up to coordinate events, organise maintenance and take on a high level of responsibility. His contribution is valuable, relied upon, and extraordinary.” This year we cannot go past awarding John the Senior Leadership Award for his work at Buderim’s Kuluin Shed. Award sponsored and presented by AVEO.

Kim Kirkman  Is a multi-talented entrepreneur, a professional singer, violinist and conductor for five choirs on the Sunshine Coast. He is indeed a man of many talents; however, it is the work he has done to help members of our senior community to find their voice and to heal through the power of song that has gained him immense recognition at this years’ awards. Award sponsored and presented  by 60 plus Lifestyle Agent.

Mary Bliss – Every year during Christmas, without fail, Mary with the support of Bendigo Bank makes beautiful hampers and delivers them to seniors doing it tough. She embodies the spirit of love and compassion and shares the true meaning of Christmas by her valuable contribution. Award sponsored and presented by Trilogy Care.


Congratulations to our 2021 Senior Leadership award winners!

Nikki Creber a lady  who understands first hand what it is like to live with Parkinson’s Disease. She created the Parkinson’s lifestyle protocols and wrap around teams to improve the quality of life of  people diagnosed with Parkinson’s.  Nikki an advocate for those living with Parkinson’s is now lobbying the government to introduce three specialist Parkinson’s nurse practitioners to provide community based clinical support on the Sunshine Coast. Tanya says, passionate people like Vikki need to be recognized and supported by the local community. 

Darryl Olson heads the vibrant homegrown media business on the Sunshine Coast. He is a familiar personality and a great supporter of local business. This year he and his team are being recognized for the creation of Your Time a popular monthly magazine that connects, engages, informs and inspires the senior community on the Sunshine Coast. 

The Urban Angels  a local group that provides restaurant quality food for  seniors doing it tough are another group being recognized for their work in the community. At the helm Birgit and her team of volunteers prepare and distribute food to those in need. Tanya says, these are the hidden gems of the Sunshine Coast. 

In 2018, Martin Duncan fondly known on the Sunshine Coast as the Sunshine Coast Foodie established Sconetime  to help tackle isolation among the elderly. Today he runs sold out monthly events across the Sunshine Coast and with his team of volunteers brings joy and connection to the senior community. 

Patricia Munro has been described as an angel to seniors residing in  social housing. She is an advocate for those forgotten by the system. Patricia who also resides in social housing  provides transport, food, counselling and has stayed by the side of people during their final hours. It is the compassionate actions of people like Patricia who make this community great. With people like them no one gets left behind. 


Congratulations to our 2020 Senior Leadership award winners!

Lorrae & Vince O’Rourke: Both Vince and Lorrae O’Rourke have experienced what it’s like to care for someone with dementia. They established the Sunshine Coast Dementia Network for those living with Dementia. The network offers respite for careers at the O’Rourke’s rural property in Nambour.

Michael Henning – The CEO of the Marcoohy Neighbourhood Centre. His initiative the One Roof Project has created a one-stop connecting point for people to access hot meals, a hot shower, a free haircut, free medical and dental checks, financial counseling, tenancy, NDIS, mobile laundry, and homeless support services.

Allan and Shirley Voss – Shirley Voss was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. She and her husband Allan started the Caloundra Parkinson’s Support Group. Together they have provided support and advocated for those whose lives have been touched by the condition.

Celena Ross – Founded the Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network and has since established the Sunshine Coast Retiree Women’s Group for women who are semi-retired or transitioning into retirement. The group has worked to address challenges women face moving into retirement, including social isolation.

Cheryl Harris – CEO of Volunteering Sunshine Coast. Cheryl has been a strong voice and advocate for volunteers on the Sunshine Coast. Her organization has recruited and placed thousands of volunteers over the years.

Peter Deacon – Founder of Lively 50s a free social platform for seniors to connect with each other. Peter founded this site as a way for people to meet and connect on the Sunshine Coast. Today the site has over 2400 members and continues to grow.

Jan Wild & Rowan Rafferty – Founded Retiring Not Shy, a social media platform that focuses on a holistic approach to ageing and retirement. Their popular blog is a platform to help baby boomers live a wonderful life in middle age and beyond.